There are several ways to create maps of the finished survey.
Use the Map Print webpage to create PDF documents of the map (see below).
Use the Map Print webpage to create JPEG images that you can paste into your report (see below).
Use the Map Print webpage to print directly to your printer or to Save As PDF with Chrome and Edge (see below).
Use the Windows Snipping Tool (or equivalent) to copy/snip/capture a part of the screen to paste into your report (see below).
Use your own CAD application to combine your existing maps and site plans with the DXF files provided by OTISS. See the CAD/DXF help page for more information.
Use your own GIS application to combine your existing maps with the GIS format files provided by OTISS. See the GIS help page for more information.
Create a PDF or JPEG of a map or plan.
(1) Goto the Maps webpage and use the Site and Survey filters to select the required Site and Survey.
(2) Press the Print button on the Maps webpage – this creates a new window for printing.
(3) Use the controls in the top panel to setup the page format as you wish.
(4) Use the controls in the side panel to setup the map as you wish. For example;
Pan and Zoom to the appropriate location;
Select different icon sizes and label options for the trees and assets;
Rotate the map;
If the trees’ labels are a bit cluttered, you can press the Move Labels button and drag the labels clear of each other (in the same way as on the Maps webpage).
(5a) Either press the Download PDF or Download JPEG button and a file will be prepared and downloaded onto your computer.
(5b) Or Press the Print button to go straight to a printer or to use the browser’s Save as PDF feature. This option is only useful if you are having problems with the Download method.
The on-screen map will show what will be printed out – and it is quite accurate! For the larger paper sizes, the information panels will seem smaller in the PDF – not actually small – just smaller in comparson to the size of the map.
Important Notes
Paper Size can be A4 to A0. Be aware that the larger paper sizes take longer to prepare and download.
The Info Panel contains a text box for notes, a North arrow and your ‘Report’ logo (if you have loaded one).
The Resolution option determines the quality of the image or PDF.
Use 90dpi for JPEG images that you intend to insert into a document.
Using the 300dpi and 400dpi settings may take several minutes to prepare the maps – and especially for large A2/A1/A0 paper sizes.
Asking for A0 at 400dpi may not be practical! In many cases, the performance and memory of your web browser or computer means that it will take too long or will not be able to create the file or will just produce a white page. If this happens just drop down the paper size and/or the resolution and it should be fine.
When you select the higher resolutions, the icons may appear OK on the screen but come out very faint on the PDF. You may want to use the controls in the side panels to set Icon Size to ‘Large’ and Line Width to ‘wide’.
Typically you will just pan, zoom and rotate the map so that it contains just what you need to print. We show a scale line – but be aware that the scale line in the PDF will be slightly different to that shown on the screen – this is due to differences between screens and paper sizes.
If you need to print at a specific scale, then tick the Fixed Scale checkbox and enter the required scale.
The map is automatically adjusted so you see what will be printed for the selected paper size for that scale. A larger paper size will show a lot more at the same scale. Change the paper size and scale to what you need.
Note: the fixed scale does not appear on the screen – but it will appear on the downloaded PDF.
Rotate the map! If you hold down the SHIFT and ALT keys, you can use the cursor to rotate the map. This may make it easier to fit what you need into a portrait or landscape layout. To return to normal, just click on the North arrow.
Printing or using the browser’s Save as PDF
When planning to print direct or use the Save as PDF feature we recommend that you:
Set Paper Margin to be None – you can use the browser to add margin (see below).
Set the Resolution as required – but you will have to play around with the Scale options on the Save as PDF dialog. Be aware that the higher resolutions take longer to prepare and save.
Save as PDF – Scale value
set Scale as ‘default’, or ‘Scale to fit’, or custom 95%
set Scale as custom 65%
set Scale as custom 40%
set Scale as custom 30%
When you press the Print button, then the browser’s print dialog will appear.
Important: You will have to setup the options again on this dialog – even though you have specified them already – the different web browsers are not consistent in how they deal with these printer instructions.
Important: Press More Settings or Advanced so you can see all the options.
Select Destination to ‘Save as PDF’ or your actual printer.
Select Layout – Portrait/Landscape.
Select the Paper size – A4/A3/A2/A1/A0.
Select Margins to be None/Minimum/Default – whichever looks best.
Set Scale to ‘Default’ or ‘Scale of Fit’ or ‘95%’ – or you may need to Customise it as appropriate (see above).
Untick the Headers and footers box.
Untick the Background graphics box.
Most web browsers have similar features.
Having problems?
The main problems you may encounter:
If the “Loading tiles…” stage is taking far too long – then try cancelling it and select a smaller paper size or resolution.
If the downloaded file has just the information panel and a white map – it may be due to a lack of memory/performance on your browser/computer – try selecting a smaller paper size or resolution.
If the Page Preview shows the map on two pages, then check the Paper size, Layout and especially the Scale option on the Save As PDF dialog.
Web Browsers
The printing process is being performed by the web browser that you are using to access the OTISS website – Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.
Google Chrome works well.
Firefox seems slow for the larger paper sizes or resolutions.
Microsoft Edge works well.
Safari 15+ seems to work fine. For older versions of Safari, we recommend to use Chrome instead.
Use screenshots of a map to insert into a report.
You often need several different maps to insert into reports. For example; an overview of the site, a close up of one particular area, etc.
Windows 7/8/10 has a very useful utility called the Snipping Tool that can be used when you are running any Windows application. Snipping Tool allows you to take a snapshot of any part of your screen to be pasted into a document or saved as a file on disk.
Goto the OTISS Maps page.
Use the controls in the side panel to setup the map as you wish. For example; Pan and Zoom to the appropriate location; select different icon sizes and label options, select portrait or landscape, etc.
Start up the Snipping Tool from the Windows Start menu and press New.
Click-and-drag the mouse cursor to draw a rectangle around the appropriate part of the OTISS map.
The image will appear in the Snipping Tool.
Use the Sniping Tool’s Pen and Highlighted to annotate the map.
Press the Copy button.
Open your document and paste the image into your report.