Both the Tree Survey and Estate Survey Android™ app provides on-site data collection for Tree Safety Surveys. The app works as part of the OTISS software system to sync maps and inspection data with the secure website. The website is used to view, update and process the survey data, and to generate reports and CAD drawings.
When you create a new tree, or re-survey and existing tree, then you are presented with the Tree Safety Inspection form. This form allows you to fill in the detailed tree inspection data.
Use the Species button to assign a genus/species.
(a) the species list can be ordered alphabetically by Common or by Botanical name,
(b) swap between the full list of species and a shorter list of species already used on the site.
(c) start typing some letters in the Search/filter box to find what you are looking for.
Use the Not identified species if you are not sure.
If the species you require is not in the list, you can add species to the Estate Species list. This new estate species will be copied to the OTISS website when the survey is next sync’ed.
The Variety field allows for further distinctions to be recorded (if required). Enter some text or select from the dropdown list (configurable).
Tree reference/tag numbers
It is important that the tree reference/tag numbers can be sorted in OTISS and also in Excel, Word and other data/GIS applications. Unfortunately, the ‘simple’ approach of using T1, T2, … T10, T11,. T20, T21, etc. does not allow for sensible sorting in Excel, Word, OTISS etc. Instead we must adopt an approach where the number of digits in each tag is the same for all the trees.
When surveying up to 100 trees, the following set of tags is recommended: T01, T02, … T10, G11, … G20, T21, T99 etc. You will notice that there is always 2 digits in each tag – i.e. the numbers 1 to 9 must have a zero, T01… T09.
When surveying between up to 1000 trees, the following set of tags is recommended: T001, T002, … T010, G011, … G020, T021, … T100, T101, … T999. etc. You will notice that there is always 3 digits in each tag – i.e. the numbers 1 to 99 must have leading zeros.
Tree Structure
Each tree’s TreeStructure field is used to change the map representation. Individual trees are shown as point icons. Groups, Hedges and Shrub areas are shown as polygon shapes. Simply select a structure and press SAVE to change the shape. On the map, the Move and Re-shape tools are used to postion and draw the shapes you require.
Survey Notes…
The Description, Survey Notes and Recommendation fields allow for free text entry.
Below each field there is another button that brings up a dialog with a picklist of commonly used sentences and phrases. Select one or more of these to be added to the survey field. Use the search box at the top of the dialog to quickly find the ones you need. These items in the pick list can be changed on the Customise Survey webpage – so they can be tailor modified to suit this particular project or client.
Custom Fields
You can show/hide some of the survey fields and customise the values in various dropdown lists on the TreeSafety Customise Survey webpage of the website. Any changes will be downloaded to the app when you next Sync the survey.
Action Bar
Save (or Backbutton) all the changes made so far and return to the map.
Cancel any changes made so far and return to the map.
Delete this inspection. If this tree was previously recorded as part of another survey, then the tree will still appear on the map as an Amber coloured icon – you cannot delete the tree. If this was a new tree, then the icon will disappear from the map.
The font size can be changed using the Settings icon. The smaller sized fonts are suitable for phones, whereas the larger font sizes are best suited to tablets.