We have added some snazzy improvements to the Excel Reports.
- The Excel Reports now include your company logo (if you have set one up on your Account Settings page).
- There are now a few extra fields that can be inserted into the report template: client name, site name, etc. These are related to the client, estate or site – rather than data about each tree/item.

- A really useful feature is to be able to colour the cell background based on the cell’s value. For example, the Condition, ISA TRAQ or QTRA Rating or Timescale columns could be coloured red, orange, green, etc. to highlight the risky trees or the ones in most urgent need of attention.
- With the new feature where you can record the Multiple Species in a group, there are now two types of summary table (on which to create Excel Charts) – per-tree and per-inspection summary tables. Depending on the data and what you want to show, you select which is the most appropriate table to use. In the example below you can see the difference between per-tree and per-inspection statistics – all the trees in the groups are included in the per-tree table.

All these features have been added to the Excel Reports. And you can use the Excel Templates to tailor your reports and all these extra features:- data columns, charts, logo, cell colours, layout, etc. Read More…