OTISS offers more support for users in Australia and New Zealand.
Tree Species lists
We have added regional, tree species lists for both Australia and New Zealand. Each list contains 100s of native and common species for that country. New users will select their region as part of the registration process. Existing users can configure them on the Account and Estate Settings pages.
For each estate, you can also build up a list of Estate Tree Species to augment the common species. Read more…
Map References
We now support the Australian GDA94 and MGA map references. Users can select to view their map co-ordinates as MGA (zone, easting, northing) or in Longitude/Latitude.
We now support the New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000) map references. Users can select to view their map co-ordinates as NZTM2000 (easting, northing) or in Longitude/Latitude.
These users can now load PDFs, Maps and CAD drawings into OTISS, and georeference them with their local map co-ordinates. Read more…