We recently improved all our Android Survey apps with a range of new features to make your surveying easier. These are included on our BS5837 Survey, Tree Survey and Path Survey apps.
When you select a survey, there is now the option to see a list of all the existing items. This can be used as an alternative to the map screen. You can use this list to quickly find a particular item or to see those items that have not yet been inspected. You can select an item, and then jump directly to see it on the map. Please read the help provided on the new screens.
On the Map screen, we have enhanced the Tool Menu and added an alternative Tool Bar. The Tool Bar makes it easier to swap between tools when adding, moving and re-shaping. Please read the help provided on the Map screen.
When you have a break, and then restart a survey; we remember the last item that you surveyed and zoom the map to that location.
For tree surveys, there is menu option to calculate the DBH from the circumference/girth.
For monitoring Path infrastructure and other assets, selecting an item’s type is now easier with a 2 level list of categories and types.
There are some new Settings to provide you with more control over: how the map icons are displayed; how the grid references are displayed; and the size of the new Tool Bar icons.
And a few other minor fixes and improvements suggested by our users.